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How to Create a Customer Journey Map That Will Increase Your Sales

It doesn’t matter what type of business you’re in. If you’re not creating a customer journey map to track your customers, you’re missing out on new ways to increase sales. A customer journey map is an essential tool for businesses that want to understand the buying process from their customers’ point of view and improve their experience with the brand. But what exactly is a customer journey map? And how can it help you boost your revenue? We’ll answer these questions and more in the following article. 

Why is it important to know your customer?

If you want to be a successful business owner, you must understand how to create a customer journey map. This is important because knowing your customers is what will help you understand their needs, pain points, and decision-making process. Once you have this understanding of your customer, then it becomes easier for you to know what they want and don’t want.

This can also allow you to stay in touch with them regularly. If they’re getting ready to make an important decision or purchase something new by staying in contact with them during the right period (and sending the right messages), then chances are high that they’ll end up purchasing from your company instead of one of your competitors.

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the customer’s experience with your brand. You can use it to show how they feel, and what they do, and interact with your brand along the way. This includes:

Create your customer personas

Personas are fictional representations of your ideal customer. It’s more than just a name and a few details about them, though. A persona is an amalgamation of data that you’ve collected from your customers, from speaking to them directly, observing their behavior, and spending time in their environment.

The most important thing to remember about personas is that they aren’t just about the customer—they also include all the people who influence the buying decision: colleagues, bosses, spouses, friends, and other members of their social circle. Sometimes one person can have multiple roles in the buying process (for example an employee at company A and the spouse of an employee at company B). In some cases, these people may also be influencers or competitors.

Create your customer journey map

To create your customer journey map, you’ll need to first understand who your customers are. This means that instead of creating a persona based on what you think is important, you should base it on real people. You can do this by interviewing some of your customers or finding them online and talking to them about their needs and wants. Once you’ve done that, take the information from those interviews and compile it into a profile for each persona.

Once you have profiles for all of your personas — including the ones who may not be currently purchasing from you — create a journey map that includes:

  • Where they are in their journey at any given time (not just during purchase)
  • What information they’re looking for when they’re in certain stages along their journey
  • How they feel at different points in the process

Use this map as an opportunity to create content that will help bring them through each stage as smoothly as possible.

Create your content calendar

The next step is to create a content calendar. This will ensure that the content you create aligns with the customer’s journey and is aligned with your business goals. Creating a content calendar will allow you to prioritize what type of content needs to be created first so that it can be released at certain times throughout the year.

For example, if you plan on releasing blog articles on Mondays and Fridays, make sure that those days are in your calendar so no one gets confused by when new articles will go live each week.


Creating a customer journey map will not only help you understand your customers, but it can also help you to create content that will resonate with them. This process can be time-consuming and tricky, but it’s worth it. If you make the right strategic decisions now, then there’s a good chance that you’ll reap rewards later down the line.


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