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4 Benefits of Verification Software and Why You Need It in the Digital Age

In the digital-first world, verifying your subscriber base is essential. It’s simple: If you don’t have real subscribers, you’re not going to get paid. But how can you tell if they are real? The answer is verification software. Here are five benefits of using verification software when dealing with subscribers

Verification software can verify your subscriber base

Verification software is a simple solution to the problem of having to manually verify your subscriber base, email list, and other digital assets. The truth is that verifying an email address or phone number has never been easier with verification software. All you need to do is enter the mobile number or email address into a verification tool and check them against a huge database of real-time listings across every social media platform and even public records databases.

This means that if someone claims their number is “123456789” but it turns out it’s actually “123456790” then you know instantly that they may be spamming you because their details are not correct or up-to-date (or worse, stolen). This applies to emails too. 

Using these tools means you have access to billions of unique records from around the world which means there will always be some data present behind each entry you check. Even if someone changes their password and then tries again later on another device, this won’t matter because there’s still something in common between both devices so no matter what they type in they’ll still receive some kind of response back from us indicating whether or not they’re genuine.

Verification software can help you snag fraudulent or dead subscribers

If you have a large email list, you’re likely familiar with the problem of fraudulent or dead subscribers. Fraudulent subscribers are customers who sign up for your emails without actually wanting them. They may be trying to spam your list or they could just want to see what kind of information you send out, but either way, they don’t fit into the “target audience” category.

Dead subscribers are those who no longer want to receive emails from you and have not taken steps to unsubscribe. Dead subscriber lists often contain thousands or even tens of thousands of people who haven’t been active in years—and some companies still use these lists as their main source for sending marketing material because they’re available.

It can save money

If you’re paying for leads, then it’s imperative to get the most out of your money. Identity verification software allows you to do this by helping you filter out bad leads and subscribers so that only quality leads end up in your hands. You might not realize it, but some of those “leads” that come through may be spam or low-quality subscribers who aren’t interested in what you have to offer. 

And even if they are genuine people looking for a solution like yours, they still might not be ready to act just yet. By filtering them out early on through automated lead verification, you can avoid wasting money on non-converting customers who will never become paying clients anyway (and possibly turn into actually lost customers).

Verification software helps you avoid legal trouble

When it comes to verifying that a person is who they say they are, verification software can protect your business from legal action. This is especially true in situations where certain documents need to be signed or notarized by specific people and organizations before contracts or agreements can be finalized. Verification software allows you to do this with ease because all of the data is stored within the application itself—so if something goes wrong, you’ve protected against any potential lawsuits thanks to having done everything possible beforehand.


Verification software is a cost-effective way for businesses to ensure their marketing campaigns are sending the right messages and not wasting money on fake leads. You might be surprised by how many people fall through the cracks when it comes to verifying their email addresses or phone numbers. Don’t let this happen in your company—take control of your data now with verification software.


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